Flood Defense Group provides HESCO Flood Barrier training to increase (or sustain) the USACE readiness to react during times of flooding.
When floodwaters come, it is too late to plan. It’s too late to train. It is ‘go-time’, and everybody in the flood defense industry knows that the USACE steps in when things get bad. The USACE have the resources, the knowledge, and the experience to come in and save the day during times of flooding as they continuously do throughout the country. Their ability to deploy with necessary resources to fight floodwaters has saved countless lives, properties, and livelihood of those in harm’s way.
The National Flood Fight Center serves as the emergency procurement arm of the federal government for the supply of flood barriers and preparing for flood response operations nationwide and Flood Defense Group is honored to provide technical support and HESCO Flood Barrier training in support of this esteemed organization.
The USACE have been so successful in protecting homes communities from flooding because they plan for it, train for it, and maintain a readiness posture to execute those plans at a moments notice. It is this readiness posture that leaves this organization with the ability to supply flood barriers at a moments notice with an amazing understanding of where to expect flooding, when to expect flooding, and how to protect those in the path of incoming floodwaters from the devastating effects that flooding brings.
As a former paratrooper in the US Army, we were constantly training for the eventualities of deploying into a conflict zone to take care of the mission we were tasked to perform. During our constant training operations, we learned where our vulnerabilities lied and constantly sharpened our capability to deploy as a cohesive team. We were always provided with clear mission objectives, we had a plan, we had contingency plan if things went wrong, and more than anything else, we were ready deploy within hours at a moment’s notice. The USACE is clearly a well-equipped extension of the US Military and just like any other unit within the US Military, the personnel at the Rock Island Flood Fight Center are no different. They make plans, contingency plans, and train to execute those plans for a successful completion of the flood-fight mission they are tasked to perform.
Flood Defense Group is regularly involved with the training and support of governmental and private organizations throughout the USA when it comes to specifying, supplying, and installing temporary flood barriers and/or hardening your perimeter from the intrusion of flood water. It is significantly less expensive to plan for a flood than it is to clean up after one!
In this case, we provided training on HESCO barriers which are the most widely used flood defense barrier by governmental organizations in the USA. The HESCO flood barrier is hugely popular for a variety of reasons which includes its relatively inexpensive price, track record of performance, and ability to stop the most violent of flood waters. Most flood barriers on the market can be expected to stop rising flood water but what happens if you are encountering the impact of wave action during a hurricane storm surge? What happens if you are trying to stop debris flows associated with flooding over a burn scar from a recent forest fire? What about debris impact from trees, logs, and other objects floating by during a violent flood event? Flood Defense Group has the largest selection of flood defense barriers in the USA, and we confirm that these are some of the reasons why the HESCO barrier has remained the ‘go-to’ option when it comes to deploying flood protection over vast distances against violent flood events. This product has been proven to be effective time and time again and it is easy to work with.
This flood barrier training event included details of the design, planning, construction, and capabilities of HESCO. We discussed deployment of the product, stacking the product to achieve great heights, and the ability to modify this product to work in the most difficult of locations. The USACE are already experts when it comes to flood response, and we are humbled at the invitation to provide this training which was well received with great reviews.