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Need pricing or a quote? We are happy to provide you a price list upon request. If you are looking for a quote for any of our products, it would be helpful if you could include details on how many linear feet you may require and a delivery zip code. We really try to get quotes out the same day and are happy to quote multiple options. (International quotes sometimes take a little longer).
Perhaps you are interested in our opinion. We really enjoy providing feedback whenever we can and are always free to do so. If you are working on something and want feedback on which of our various options may work best for you, feel free to ask away! In order for us to provide the best feedback possible, it is helpful for us to know as much information as possible which can include:
If you think you have an extra challenging problem, GREAT! Got pictures?
We do not need to know all of these answers but any relevant information you can provide is always helpful for us in providing feedback and we really enjoy helping!