- If you are left with this as a last option here are some ideas and tips
– Make sure the plastic rests directly against the structure higher than the height of anticipated floodwaters andall the way to the ground while making sure the plastic does not support any water weight. You then pull any/all extra plastic toward the incoming floodwater and anchor down.
– Make sure water cannot get under the plastic as it approaches the housewhen it first comes in contact with your plastic!! It must be forced on top of the plastic!
– Make sure every effort is made to seal plastic to ground when working around trees, shrubs, posts, ect… Lawn staples work great in quickly and securely stick plastic sheeting to the ground over soil and grass.
– Gorilla tape works great on dry surfaces especially if it is warmed. Flex tape appears to work great just about anywhere but will remove paint. Use tape to secure plastic to the ground and walls over concrete, wood, and other sticky surfaces to prevent water from getting under or behind the plastic sheeting. Sandbags or even scoops of shoveled dirt are also effective to keep your plastic anchored to the ground

– Wooden beans like 2”x 4” planks can be used to quickly ‘scab’ or securely screw/secure plastic to a structure.
– Never put plastic UNDER a removable flood defense barrier which includes sandbags. The friction value of plastic is too low and barriers can be pushed out of place by floodwater when sitting on top of plastic
– Be aware of wind. Big sheets of plastic can easily blow out of place with wind. TRICK – If you lay out plastic, you can sometimes spray water on it to help it squish to the ground and stay in place while waiting for floodwaters to arrive.
– Is the fence surrounding your yard capable of holding plastic and floodwaters? This could be an easy extra line of defense! Plastic is comparatively cheap!!!
– If protecting windows and doorways, we have specialized panel systems like the Flood Gate by Quickdams but in an emergency, you may find that screwing a sheet of ¾ plywood over a hole to be covered with some weather stripping to create a better seal (like a gasket) and finished off with a sheet of plastic to cover it MIGHT do the trick. Tape down the edges of the plastic to always prevent water from getting between the plastic and the structure you are protecting.
– Are the downspouts of your gutters correctly removing water from the area?
– Do you have any sandbags? They sure are nice to have when needed!
– Sump pumps are cheap and a great additional line of defense! Make sure you figure out where any water would or should pool and prepare an area for your sump pump. NOTE: Water activated sump pumps are a great option for flood defenses that are not being monitored.
Covering your house with plastic is not a very good Plan A but in the absence of an alternate solution and in the face of floodwaters coupled with the desire to do something, these are actionable options or ides for the final evaluation or endorsement of the reader. At Flood Defense Group, we pride ourselves in having a fantastic line-up of the best barriers and related designs on the market when it comes to flood defense but we will take excessive amounts of time to provide feedback and ideas on how people can protect themselves from in incoming crisis even if it does not include our stock of flood barriers in Michigan. We simply enjoy helping.

Call us for a chat (208-585-1815)
A quick discussion may be time well spent in talking through your flood issues and nailing down options or ideas that work versus ones that would not be well suited for your problems. If you are looking for flood barriers in Michigan or could benefit from talking over options or ideas on how to stop floodwater at your house whether it be one of our barriers or something else entirely, we are always happy to field a phone call. We always enjoy taking a look at some pictures, and have a conversation about it as desired. Sometimes, the action of picking up the phone and talking through your flood problem goes a long way in developing actionable ideas to defend yourself from floodwaters future.
We are available to help if you are experiencing flooding or looking to buy flood barriers throughout the Great Lakes Region and the US at large. Flood Defense Group remains available to help out anybody we can.
Keith Anderson (CEO)
Flood Defense Group